Issue 18, 2017

Realization of multiphoton lasing from carbon nanodot microcavities


The use of organosilane chains to link carbon nanodots (CDs) through organosilane surface functional groups is proposed to improve the efficiency of multiphoton absorption. As a result, a large absorption coefficient of 1.16 × 10−6 cm5 per GW3 is obtained and four-photon luminescence under 1900 nm excitation is observed from the CDs at room temperature. Furthermore, a CD laser, which demonstrates random lasing under three-photon (i.e. 1400 nm) excitation, can be realized by sandwiching a CD film between a quartz substrate and a dielectric mirror. The formation of strongly confined microcavities, which arise from the non-uniform distribution of refractive indices inside the CD film, is attributed to the realization of lasing emission.

Graphical abstract: Realization of multiphoton lasing from carbon nanodot microcavities

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
14 Feb 2017
30 Mar 2017
First published
31 Mar 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 5957-5963

Realization of multiphoton lasing from carbon nanodot microcavities

W. Zhang, Y. Ni, X. Xu, W. Lu, P. Ren, P. Yan, C. K. Siu, S. Ruan and S. F. Yu, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 5957 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR01101F

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