Issue 28, 2017

A smart mobile pouch as a biomechanical energy harvester towards self-powered smart wireless power transfer applications


A Smart Mobile Pouch Triboelectric Nanogenerator (SMP-TENG) is introduced as a promising eco-friendly approach for scavenging biomechanical energy for powering next generation intelligent devices and smart phones. This is a cost-effective and robust method for harvesting energy from human motion, by utilizing worn fabrics as a contact material. The SMP-TENG is capable of harvesting energy in two operational modes: lateral sliding and vertical contact and separation. Moreover, the SMP-TENG can also act as a self-powered emergency flashlight and self-powered pedometer during normal human motion. A wireless power transmission setup integrated with SMP-TENG is demonstrated. This upgrades the traditional energy harvesting device into a self-powered wireless power transfer SMP-TENG. The wirelessly transferred power can be used to charge a Li-ion battery and light LEDs. The SMP-TENG opens a wide range of opportunities in the field of self-powered devices and low maintenance energy harvesting systems for portable and wearable electronic gadgets.

Graphical abstract: A smart mobile pouch as a biomechanical energy harvester towards self-powered smart wireless power transfer applications

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Article information

Article type
05 Jan 2017
16 Apr 2017
First published
19 Apr 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 9818-9824

A smart mobile pouch as a biomechanical energy harvester towards self-powered smart wireless power transfer applications

A. Chandrasekhar, N. R. Alluri, M. S. P. Sudhakaran, Y. S. Mok and S. Kim, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 9818 DOI: 10.1039/C7NR00110J

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