Issue 27, 2017

Liquid–solid directional composites and anisotropic dipolar phases of polar nanoregions in disordered perovskites


Using temperature-resolved dielectric spectroscopy in the range of 75–320 K we have inspected the solid-like and liquid-like arrangements of nanometric dipoles (polar nanoregions) embedded in sodium-enriched potassium-tantalate-niobate (KNTN), a chemically-substituted complex perovskite crystal hosting inherent substitutional disorder. The study of order versus direction is carried out using Fröhlich entropy measurements and indicates the presence of four long-range symmetry phases, two of which are found to display profoundly anisotropic features. Exotic phases are found for which the dipoles at one fixed temperature manifest a liquid reorientational response along one crystal axis and a solid-like behavior along another axis. The macroscopic anisotropy observed in the sequence of different phases is found to match a microscopic order–disorder sequence typical of nominally pure perovskites. Moreover, experimental demonstration of the onset of a frozen state above transitions is provided.

Graphical abstract: Liquid–solid directional composites and anisotropic dipolar phases of polar nanoregions in disordered perovskites

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Dec 2016
03 Jun 2017
First published
05 Jun 2017

Nanoscale, 2017,9, 9572-9580

Liquid–solid directional composites and anisotropic dipolar phases of polar nanoregions in disordered perovskites

J. Parravicini, E. DelRe, A. J. Agranat and G. Parravicini, Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 9572 DOI: 10.1039/C6NR09817G

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