Issue 11, 2009

EDA Complexes of N-halosaccharins with N- and O-donor ligands


A series of EDA complexes of N-iodosaccharin (NISac) and N-bromosaccharin (NBSac) with nitrogen and oxygen electron-pair donors, NISac·H2O, NISac·THF, NISac·Py, NISac2·Pyz and NBSac2·Pyz, was prepared and examined by X-ray diffraction and NMR. The complexes are relatively stable, crystalline compounds with the ligand bound to the halogen atom in a nearly linear arrangement N–halogen–ligand. The halogen–ligand distances are inversely proportional to the donor ability of the ligand. The interactions between ligand and halogen are stronger for iodine than bromine. The X-ray structure analysis has shown that for some compounds the N–X bond in the halosaccharin moiety is not coplanar with the isothiazole ring, and the quantum-chemical calculations demonstrate a high flexibility of the corresponding angle. Complexes were modelled also by DFT calculations using B3LYP and MPW1K functionals. A better fit of the computed geometry was obtained by the geometry optimization in a polar solvent continuum than in vacuum.

Graphical abstract: EDA Complexes of N-halosaccharins with N- and O-donor ligands

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
15 Jun 2009
01 Sep 2009
First published
29 Sep 2009

New J. Chem., 2009,33, 2344-2349

EDA Complexes of N-halosaccharins with N- and O-donor ligands

D. Dolenc and B. Modec, New J. Chem., 2009, 33, 2344 DOI: 10.1039/B9NJ00263D

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