Issue 11, 2009

Photo-switch and INHIBIT logic gate based on two pyrazolone thiosemicarbazone derivatives


Two novel compounds containing a pyrazolone-ring unit, i.e.1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(2-fluorobenzal)-5-hydroxypyrazole 4-methylthiosemicarbazone and 1-phenyl-3-methyl-4-(2-fluorobenzal)-5-hydroxypyrazole 4-ethylthiosemicarbazone, have been synthesized and characterized by MS, IR, 1H NMR spectra and X-ray single crystal diffraction. In solid state, they exhibit reversible photochromic properties under UV light irradiation and heating. Based on the crystal structure, solid IR spectra and theoretical calculation, the photochromic mechanism of the intra- and intermolecular double-proton transfer from the enol form to the keto form is proposed. In solution, stimulated by three chemical inputs (H+, OH and Zn2+), they undergo the deprotonation–protonation and complexation reactions. Based on an absorption band at 355 nm as the output signal, an INHIBIT logic gate combining a NOT and an AND gate has been obtained.

Graphical abstract: Photo-switch and INHIBIT logic gate based on two pyrazolone thiosemicarbazone derivatives

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
27 Apr 2009
03 Sep 2009
First published
30 Sep 2009

New J. Chem., 2009,33, 2232-2240

Photo-switch and INHIBIT logic gate based on two pyrazolone thiosemicarbazone derivatives

X. Xie, L. Liu, D. Jia, J. Guo, D. Wu and X. Xie, New J. Chem., 2009, 33, 2232 DOI: 10.1039/B908326J

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