Issue 26, 2012

Colloidal Cu2−x(SySe1−y) alloy nanocrystals with controllable crystal phase: synthesis, plasmonic properties, cation exchange and electrochemical lithiation


We report synthetic routes to both cubic and hexagonal phase Cu2−x(SySe1−y) alloy nanocrystals exhibiting a well-defined near-infrared valence band plasmon resonance, the spectral position of which is dependent mainly on x, i.e. on Cu stoichiometry, and to a lesser extent on the crystal phase of the NCs. For cubic Cu2−x(SySe1−y) nanocrystals y could be varied in the 0.4–0.6 range, while for hexagonal nanocrystals y could be varied in the 0.3–0.7 range. Furthermore, the Cu2−x(SySe1−y) nanocrystals could be transformed into the corresponding Cd-based alloy nanocrystals with comparable SySe1−y stoichiometry, by cation exchange. The crystal phase of the resulting Cd(SySe1−y) nanocrystals was either cubic or hexagonal, depending on the phase of the starting nanocrystals. One sample of cubic Cu2−x(SySe1−y) nanocrystals, with S0.5Se0.5 chalcogenide stoichiometry, was then evaluated as the anode material in Li-ion batteries. The nanocrystals were capable of undergoing lithiation/delithiation via a displacement/conversion reaction (Cu to Li and vice versa) in a partially reversible manner.

Graphical abstract: Colloidal Cu2−x(SySe1−y) alloy nanocrystals with controllable crystal phase: synthesis, plasmonic properties, cation exchange and electrochemical lithiation

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Article information

Article type
09 Feb 2012
11 Apr 2012
First published
16 May 2012

J. Mater. Chem., 2012,22, 13023-13031

Colloidal Cu2−x(SySe1−y) alloy nanocrystals with controllable crystal phase: synthesis, plasmonic properties, cation exchange and electrochemical lithiation

E. Dilena, D. Dorfs, C. George, K. Miszta, M. Povia, A. Genovese, A. Casu, M. Prato and L. Manna, J. Mater. Chem., 2012, 22, 13023 DOI: 10.1039/C2JM30788J

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