Issue 30, 2007

Hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks


For any potential hydrogen-storage system, raw uptake capacity must be balanced with the kinetics and thermodynamics of uptake and release. Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) provide unique systems with large overall pore volumes and surface areas, adjustable pore sizes, and tunable framework–adsorbate interaction by ligand functionalization and metal choice. These remarkable materials can potentially fill the niche between other physisorbents such as activated carbon, which have similar uptake at low temperatures but low affinity for hydrogen at ambient temperature, and chemical sorbents such as hydrides, which have high hydrogen uptakes but undesirable release kinetics and thermodynamics.

Graphical abstract: Hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks

Article information

Article type
Feature Article
26 Feb 2007
21 Mar 2007
First published
11 Apr 2007

J. Mater. Chem., 2007,17, 3154-3160

Hydrogen storage in metal–organic frameworks

D. J. Collins and H. Zhou, J. Mater. Chem., 2007, 17, 3154 DOI: 10.1039/B702858J

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