Issue 14, 2004

Tissue-derived cell growth on hybrid sol–gel films


Hybrid sol–gel films were developed for tissue-derived cell growth. Specifically, Buffalo green monkey kidney cells were grown on hydrophobically modified silica sol–gel thin films and on such films in which poly-L-lysine (PLL) was entrapped in order to affect surface positive charge density. Intermediate hydrophobicity was found optimal for the cell growth. The PLL-modified films enabled drastic reduction of the needed amount of serum. The developed films function better than the commonly used cell-culture polystyrene dishes.

Graphical abstract: Tissue-derived cell growth on hybrid sol–gel films

Article information

Article type
04 Feb 2004
30 Mar 2004
First published
27 Apr 2004

J. Mater. Chem., 2004,14, 2200-2205

Tissue-derived cell growth on hybrid sol–gel films

C. Zolkov, D. Avnir and R. Armon, J. Mater. Chem., 2004, 14, 2200 DOI: 10.1039/B401715N

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