Issue 12, 1998

Discotic liquid crystals of transition metal complexes. Part 24 Synthesis and mesomorphism of porphyrin derivatives substituted with two or four bulky groups


We have synthesized nine novel porphyrin derivatives, 1-8 and 1-Cu, substituted with various steric hindrance groups and long flexible chains in order to investigate the relationship between the molecular type of porphyrin derivatives and the resulting mesophase. Type 4 disc-like (C 12 O) 16 -TTPH 2 (1) and (C 12 O) 16 -TTPCu (1-Cu) derivatives exhibit D h columnar mesophases, which are the first examples of meso-substituted porphyrin metal-free derivatives and copper complexes. Type 5 strip-like (C n O) 8 -BTPH 2 [4 (n=12), 5 (n=16)] derivatives having eight long chains at the 5,15-positions exhibit D rd columnar mesophases. On the other hand, the type 5 (C 12 O) 4 -BTPH 2 (6) derivative having four long chains exhibits discotic lamellar D L.rec1 and D L.rec2 mesophases which have a two-dimensional rectangular structure within the layer. The (C 12 O) 4 -BPPH 2 (7) type 6 derivative also shows a D L lamellar mesophase. Bruce et al. reported that type 3 rod-like porphyrin derivatives show calamitic mesophases of S B , S E and S E′ phases. We revealed from these types of mesogenic porphyrin derivatives that such a successive change of the molecular structures causes their mesophases to change from discotic columnar to discotic lamellar, and further to calamitic.

Article information

Article type

J. Mater. Chem., 1998,8, 2637-2650

Discotic liquid crystals of transition metal complexes. Part 24 Synthesis and mesomorphism of porphyrin derivatives substituted with two or four bulky groups

K. Ohta, N. Yamaguchi and I. Yamamoto, J. Mater. Chem., 1998, 8, 2637 DOI: 10.1039/A805715J

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