Issue 14, 2018

Boosting biomass valorisation. Synergistic design of continuous flow reactors and water-tolerant polystyrene acid catalysts for a non-stop production of esters


An effective flow protocol exploiting the features of a specifically designed solid catalytic system has been defined for the direct esterification of biomass-derived carboxylic acids with structurally diverse alcohols on grams per hour scale and with minimal cost in terms of waste disposal. The potential of the catalyst to work indefinitely under pump-free continuous flow conditions has been explored.

Graphical abstract: Boosting biomass valorisation. Synergistic design of continuous flow reactors and water-tolerant polystyrene acid catalysts for a non-stop production of esters

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Article information

Article type
13 Mar 2018
24 May 2018
First published
30 May 2018

Green Chem., 2018,20, 3222-3231

Boosting biomass valorisation. Synergistic design of continuous flow reactors and water-tolerant polystyrene acid catalysts for a non-stop production of esters

V. Trombettoni, D. Sciosci, M. P. Bracciale, F. Campana, M. L. Santarelli, A. Marrocchi and L. Vaccaro, Green Chem., 2018, 20, 3222 DOI: 10.1039/C8GC00824H

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