Issue 11, 2011

Tandem reaction of 1,2-allenic ketone with α-halo ketone or α-halo ester in water: an efficient and sustainable synthesis of 1,3,4′-tricarbonyl compounds


An efficient and sustainable synthesis of the otherwise difficult to obtain 1,3,4′-tricarbonyl compounds through a water mediated, TBAF·3H2O promoted unprecedented tandem reaction of 1,2-allenic ketone with α-halo ketone or α-halo ester has been developed. Remarkably enhanced reactivity and improved chemoselectivity by using water as the reaction medium was observed. The 1,3,4′-tricarbonyl compounds facilitate further versatile transformations, which underscores the importance of these products as synthetic intermediates.

Graphical abstract: Tandem reaction of 1,2-allenic ketone with α-halo ketone or α-halo ester in water: an efficient and sustainable synthesis of 1,3,4′-tricarbonyl compounds

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Article information

Article type
16 Jun 2011
09 Aug 2011
First published
06 Sep 2011

Green Chem., 2011,13, 3218-3223

Tandem reaction of 1,2-allenic ketone with α-halo ketone or α-halo ester in water: an efficient and sustainable synthesis of 1,3,4′-tricarbonyl compounds

X. Fan, Y. He, L. Cui, X. Zhang and J. Wang, Green Chem., 2011, 13, 3218 DOI: 10.1039/C1GC15707H

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