Issue 12, 2007

Methyltrioxorhenium revisited: improving the synthesis for a versatile catalyst


Previously reported synthetic pathways require the use of highly toxic tin containing methylating agents. A more environmentally sound tin free synthetic route to the versatile catalyst MTO has been developed recently, using the principles of green chemistry.

Graphical abstract: Methyltrioxorhenium revisited: improving the synthesis for a versatile catalyst

Article information

Article type
15 Jun 2007
03 Sep 2007
First published
11 Sep 2007

Green Chem., 2007,9, 1296-1298

Methyltrioxorhenium revisited: improving the synthesis for a versatile catalyst

E. Tosh, J. K. M. Mitterpleininger, A. M. J. Rost, D. Veljanovski, W. A. Herrmann and F. E. Kühn, Green Chem., 2007, 9, 1296 DOI: 10.1039/B709072B

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