Issue 9, 2013

Interface-directed assembly of a simple precursor of [FeFe]–H2ase mimics on CdSe QDs for photosynthetic hydrogen evolution in water


To prepare a water-soluble catalyst for photocatalytic hydrogen (H2) evolution, a simple hydrophobic precursor of [FeFe]–H2ase mimics, Fe2S2(CO)6, has been successfully assembled on the surface of CdSe QDs using an interface-directed approach in aqueous/organic solution. The resulting photocatalyst shows the highest efficiency known to date for H2 evolution with a turnover number (TON) of 8781 vs. Fe2S2(CO)6 and an initial turnover frequency (TOF) of 596 h−1 under visible light irradiation in water.

Graphical abstract: Interface-directed assembly of a simple precursor of [FeFe]–H2ase mimics on CdSe QDs for photosynthetic hydrogen evolution in water

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Article information

Article type
23 Mar 2013
04 Jul 2013
First published
05 Jul 2013

Energy Environ. Sci., 2013,6, 2597-2602

Interface-directed assembly of a simple precursor of [FeFe]–H2ase mimics on CdSe QDs for photosynthetic hydrogen evolution in water

C. Li, Z. Li, S. Yu, G. Wang, F. Wang, Q. Meng, B. Chen, K. Feng, C. Tung and L. Wu, Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 2597 DOI: 10.1039/C3EE40992A

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