Issue 10, 2012

Recent advances in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrogen in the presence of oxygen


Selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrogen (H2-SCR) in the presence of oxygen has received much attention as a potential technology for reducing NOx emissions. A lot of research has been done in order to understand the reaction mechanism of H2-SCR and some possible mechanisms have been proposed. These mechanisms can be classified into two categories: NO adsorption/dissociation mechanisms and oxidation–reduction mechanisms. Based on the discussion of the reaction mechanism, the influence of the nature of the noble metal, catalyst support, catalyst preparation method, promoters and reaction conditions (including the presence of H2 and O2, water, sulfur, CO and CO2) on the catalytic performance of some H2-SCR catalysts has been discussed. Finally, future research directions in the area of H2-SCR have been proposed.

Graphical abstract: Recent advances in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrogen in the presence of oxygen

Article information

Article type
Review Article
09 May 2012
23 Jul 2012
First published
16 Aug 2012

Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 8799-8814

Recent advances in the selective catalytic reduction of NOx by hydrogen in the presence of oxygen

Z. Liu, J. Li and S. I. Woo, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 8799 DOI: 10.1039/C2EE22190J

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