Issue 5, 2012

Hydrolysis of cellulose by cellulase-mimetic solid catalyst


A novel cellulase-mimetic solid catalyst, sulfonated chloromethyl polystyrene resin (CP-SO3H), containing cellulose-binding sites (–Cl) and catalytic sites (–SO3H) was synthesized for hydrolyzing cellulose. Cellobiose could be completely hydrolyzed in 2–4 hours at 100–120 °C by CP-SO3H, and microcrystalline cellulose (Avicel) could be hydrolyzed into glucose with a yield of 93% within 10 hours at moderate temperature (120 °C). The apparent activation energies for the hydrolysis of cellobiose and Avicel with CP-SO3H were approximately 78 and 83 kJ mol−1, respectively, which are much lower than those for the hydrolysis of cellobiose and cellulose with sulfuric acid (133 and 170 kJ mol−1, respectively) but higher than that with cellulase (3–50 kJ mol−1). Low activation energy allows the CP-SO3H-catalyzed hydrolysis to proceed at low temperature, which reduces energy consumption and avoids undesirable sugar degradation. The low activation energy of CP-SO3H might be attributed to its ability to adsorb/attract cellobiose and cellulose and to disrupt hydrogen bonds of cellulose.

Graphical abstract: Hydrolysis of cellulose by cellulase-mimetic solid catalyst

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Article information

Article type
05 Dec 2011
23 Feb 2012
First published
24 Feb 2012

Energy Environ. Sci., 2012,5, 6889-6894

Hydrolysis of cellulose by cellulase-mimetic solid catalyst

L. Shuai and X. Pan, Energy Environ. Sci., 2012, 5, 6889 DOI: 10.1039/C2EE03373A

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