Issue 7, 2011

Cathodic shift in onset potential of solar oxygen evolution on hematite by 13-group oxide overlayers


The onset potential of photoelectrochemical water oxidation on ultrathin hematite was improved by up to 200 mV by the chemical bath deposition of 13-group oxides as overlayers. It is proposed that the corundum-type overlayers released lattice strain of the ultrathin hematite layer and decreased the density of surface states. Particularly, a Ga2O3 overlayer exhibited an enhanced photocurrent attributed to stoichiometric water splitting near the onset potential. The photocurrent was sustained over a day, attesting to its outstanding performance and durability for water splitting.

Graphical abstract: Cathodic shift in onset potential of solar oxygen evolution on hematite by 13-group oxide overlayers

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Article information

Article type
20 Feb 2011
03 May 2011
First published
26 May 2011

Energy Environ. Sci., 2011,4, 2512-2515

Cathodic shift in onset potential of solar oxygen evolution on hematite by 13-group oxide overlayers

T. Hisatomi, F. Le Formal, M. Cornuz, J. Brillet, N. Tétreault, K. Sivula and M. Grätzel, Energy Environ. Sci., 2011, 4, 2512 DOI: 10.1039/C1EE01194D

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