Issue 39, 2016

Synthesis of Bi2Te3 and (BixSb1−x)2Te3 nanoparticles using the novel IL [C4mim]3[Bi3I12]


The novel Bi-containing reactive ionic liquid [C4mim]3[Bi3I12], which was synthesized in quantitative yield by equimolar reaction of BiI3 and [C4mim]I, was used as a novel Bi-source for the ionothermal synthesis of Bi2Te3 nanoparticles by reaction with (Et3Si)2Te in the ionic liquid [C4mim]I. The solid state structure of [C4mim]3[Bi3I12] was determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. In addition, the ionothermal synthesis of the single source precursor (Et2Sb)2Te and [C4mim]3[Bi3I12] yielded the ternary (BixSb1−x)2Te3 (x = 0.25, 0.5, 0.75) nanoparticles. The chemical composition and phase purity of the tetradymite-type materials were determined by EDX and XRD and the surface composition of the nanoparticles was further investigated by IR and XPS. In addition, the morphology of the nanoparticles was investigated by SEM and TEM.

Graphical abstract: Synthesis of Bi2Te3 and (BixSb1−x)2Te3 nanoparticles using the novel IL [C4mim]3[Bi3I12]

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Article type
14 Jun 2016
01 Sep 2016
First published
01 Sep 2016
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Dalton Trans., 2016,45, 15326-15335

Synthesis of Bi2Te3 and (BixSb1−x)2Te3 nanoparticles using the novel IL [C4mim]3[Bi3I12]

M. Loor, G. Bendt, U. Hagemann, C. Wölper, W. Assenmacher and S. Schulz, Dalton Trans., 2016, 45, 15326 DOI: 10.1039/C6DT02361D

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