Issue 8, 2014

Tetrahedral tetrazolate frameworks for high CO2 and H2 uptake


Three tetrahedral tetrazolate frameworks with two different 4-connected topologies including lonsdaleite (lon, for 1) and diamond (dia, for 2 and 3) have been synthesized, and the lon-type framework with high CO2 and H2 uptake capacity can irreversibly transform to the dia-type framework via solvent-exchange.

Graphical abstract: Tetrahedral tetrazolate frameworks for high CO2 and H2 uptake

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Article information

Article type
20 Nov 2013
27 Nov 2013
First published
28 Nov 2013

Dalton Trans., 2014,43, 3210-3214

Tetrahedral tetrazolate frameworks for high CO2 and H2 uptake

F. Wang, D. Hou, H. Yang, Y. Kang and J. Zhang, Dalton Trans., 2014, 43, 3210 DOI: 10.1039/C3DT53269K

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