Issue 28, 2009

The role of the Pb2+ 6s lone pair in the structure of the double perovskite Pb2ScSbO6


The new double perovskite Pb2ScSbO6 was synthesized by standard ceramic procedures; the Rietveld refinement of room temperature neutron powder diffraction data shows that the crystal structure is well defined in the space group Fm[3 with combining macron]m. It contains a completely ordered array of alternating ScO6 and SbO6 octahedra sharing corners; the PbO12 polyhedra present an off-center displacement of the lead atoms along the [111] direction, due to the electrostatic repulsion between the Pb2+ 6s lone pair and the Pb–O bonds of the cuboctahedron. Dielectric permittivity measurements show a peak near 343 K, with a Curie–Weiss response above this temperature, which suggests an antiferroelectric behavior. Finally we present a DFT study of the electronic structure of Pb2ScSbO6, showing a great difference between the electronic density within SbO6 and ScO6 octahedra.

Graphical abstract: The role of the Pb2+ 6s lone pair in the structure of the double perovskite Pb2ScSbO6

Article information

Article type
03 Dec 2008
23 Apr 2009
First published
01 Jun 2009

Dalton Trans., 2009, 5453-5459

The role of the Pb2+ 6s lone pair in the structure of the double perovskite Pb2ScSbO6

S. A. Larrégola, J. A. Alonso, J. C. Pedregosa, M. J. Martínez-Lope, M. Algueró, V. De la Peña-O'shea, F. Porcher and F. Illas, Dalton Trans., 2009, 5453 DOI: 10.1039/B821688F

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