Issue 9, 2005

New structural features in triphenylphosphinesilver(i) sulfanylcarboxylates


We investigated the reactions of 1.5 : 1 : 1 mole ratio mixtures of triphenylphosphine, silver nitrate and 3-(aryl)-2-sulfanylpropenoic acids H2xspa in chloroform/water, where in the acid nomenclature, spa = 2-sulfanylpropenoato and x = p, Clp, mp, diBr-o-hp or f with p = 3-phenyl-, Clp = 3-(2-chlorophenyl)-, mp = 3-methoxyphenyl-, diBr-o-hp = 3-(3,5-dibromo-2-hydroxyphenyl)- and f = 3-(2-furyl)-. The compounds [Ag(PPh3)(Hpspa)](1), [(AgPPh3)2(xspa)] [x = Clp (2), o-mp (3), p-mp (4), diBr-o-hp (5) and f (6)] and [Ag(PPh3)3(Hfspa)] (7) were isolated and all except 7 were characterized by IR, Raman and FAB mass spectrometry and by 1H, 13C and 31P NMR spectroscopy. Compound 6 was also characterized by 13C CP/MAS, and compounds 1 and 6 by 109Ag NMR spectroscopy. The crystal structures of 1, 2, 3, 4·(CH3)2CO, 5, 6·(CH3)2CO and 7 were determined by X-ray diffraction. 1 has a supramolecular structure based on hydrogen bonding between dinuclear units, and all the other complexes adopt discrete structures. 2, 3, 4·(CH3)2CO, 5, and 6·(CH3)2CO are tetranuclear, and 7 mononuclear. The tetranuclear complexes contain the eight-membered coordination ring Ag4S2O2 (2, 3, 4·(CH3)2CO, 6·(CH3)2CO) or the twelve-membered ring Ag4(CO2)2S2 (5).

Graphical abstract: New structural features in triphenylphosphinesilver(i) sulfanylcarboxylates

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
26 Jan 2005
22 Mar 2005
First published
11 Apr 2005

Dalton Trans., 2005, 1707-1715

New structural features in triphenylphosphinesilver(I) sulfanylcarboxylates

E. Barreiro, J. S. Casas, M. D. Couce, A. Sánchez, J. Sordo, J. M. Varela and E. M. Vázquez-López, Dalton Trans., 2005, 1707 DOI: 10.1039/B501309G

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