Issue 22, 2017

Local rotational symmetry in the packing of uniform spheres


Local rotational symmetry (LRS) of a particulate system is important for understanding its structure and phase transition. However, how to properly characterize LRS for this system is still a challenge as the system normally includes both ordered and disordered local structures. Herein, based on the so-called common neighbour subcluster (CNS), we proposed a method to characterize the LRS of uniform spheres packings with the packing fraction ρ ranging within 0.20 and 0.74. It was found that different fold LRSs coexist in most packings, and their maximum degree increases at ρ < 0.64, except for the 2-fold LRS held by 6-sphere CNS that continuously increases to form the fcc crystal at ρ = 0.74. The overall LRS involving all the CNSs monotonically increases with two critical changes at ρ = (0.35–0.40) and 0.64; the evolution of individual LRSs held by specific CNS groups critically changes at ρ ≈ (0.35–0.40), 0.50, 0.55–0.60, and 0.64. The physics corresponding to these critical changes has also been discussed. The findings will significantly enrich the understanding of the structural symmetry of materials including atoms and particles.

Graphical abstract: Local rotational symmetry in the packing of uniform spheres

Article information

Article type
21 Feb 2017
09 May 2017
First published
10 May 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 14588-14595

Local rotational symmetry in the packing of uniform spheres

Z. A. Tian, K. J. Dong and A. B. Yu, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 14588 DOI: 10.1039/C7CP01152K

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