Issue 26, 2017

Red luminescence control of Eu(iii) complexes by utilizing the multi-colored electrochromism of viologen derivatives


The electroresponsive switching of red photoluminescence based on the electrochemical coloration of cyan–magenta–green (CMG) viologen components was achieved by combining a luminescent Eu3+ chelate and viologen derivatives, resulting in CMG coloration in a single cell. The cell coloration was controlled by an electrochromic (EC) reaction, which also modulated the photoluminescence of the Eu3+ chelate with high contrast, by transferring energy from the excited state of the Eu3+ ion to the colored states of EC molecules. Cyclic voltammograms, photoluminescence spectra, absorption spectra, luminescence quantum yields, and luminescence lifetimes were measured to clarify the differences between the luminescence quenching and energy transfer efficiencies for each C, M, and G coloration associated with the electrochromism. Thus, the spectral overlap between the luminescence band of the Eu3+ chelate and the absorption band of the colored EC molecules was proven to affect the efficiency of luminescence modulation.

Graphical abstract: Red luminescence control of Eu(iii) complexes by utilizing the multi-colored electrochromism of viologen derivatives

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Article information

Article type
14 Dec 2016
01 Apr 2017
First published
06 Apr 2017

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017,19, 16979-16988

Red luminescence control of Eu(III) complexes by utilizing the multi-colored electrochromism of viologen derivatives

K. Kanazawa, Y. Komiya, K. Nakamura and N. Kobayashi, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 16979 DOI: 10.1039/C6CP08528H

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