Issue 26, 2017

Preparation of cubic ZnIn2S4 thin films through a tartaric-acid-assisted hydrothermal process


Herein, cubic ZnIn2S4 thin films with a pyramid-like structure were successfully synthesized on FTO substrates by a tartaric-acid-assisted hydrothermal method. Tartaric acid was found to play an important role in the formation of cubic-structured films. In the absence of tartaric acid, hexagonal phases of ZnIn2S4 and In(OH)3 were obtained. By properly monitoring the experimental conditions, including the reaction time and concentration of tartaric acid, ZnIn2S4 films with different morphologies were formed on the FTO substrates: the possible growth mechanism was proposed in this study. The as-prepared films were characterized by their XRD, SEM, TEM (HRTEM), and UV-vis absorption spectra. The UV-vis absorption spectra showed that the cubic structure has a bandgap of 2.3 eV, whereas the photoelectrochemical characterization guaranteed that the cubic ZnIn2S4 film is a potential material for producing hydrogen by splitting water using solar energy. It is hoped that this study could promote further interest in the design of controllable nanostructures and their potential applications in advanced fields.

Graphical abstract: Preparation of cubic ZnIn2S4 thin films through a tartaric-acid-assisted hydrothermal process

Article information

Article type
16 Dec 2016
05 Jun 2017
First published
06 Jun 2017

CrystEngComm, 2017,19, 3619-3625

Preparation of cubic ZnIn2S4 thin films through a tartaric-acid-assisted hydrothermal process

L. Zhang, W. Zhang, H. Tao, G. Wang, J. Ma, Q. Wang, M. Tan and S. Xu, CrystEngComm, 2017, 19, 3619 DOI: 10.1039/C6CE02579J

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