Issue 84, 2016

Radical trideuteromethylation with deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide in the synthesis of heterocycles and labelled building blocks


The potential of deuterated pharmaceuticals is being widely demonstrated. Here we describe the first trideuteromethylation under radical reaction conditions using deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide as a reagent for the synthesis of labelled heterocycles and trideuteromethylated compounds. A broad scope of the developed method for the synthesis of various scaffolds was demonstrated.

Graphical abstract: Radical trideuteromethylation with deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide in the synthesis of heterocycles and labelled building blocks

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Article information

Article type
02 Sep 2016
23 Sep 2016
First published
26 Sep 2016

Chem. Commun., 2016,52, 12486-12489

Radical trideuteromethylation with deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide in the synthesis of heterocycles and labelled building blocks

R. Caporaso, S. Manna, S. Zinken, A. R. Kochnev, E. R. Lukyanenko, A. V. Kurkin and A. P. Antonchick, Chem. Commun., 2016, 52, 12486 DOI: 10.1039/C6CC07196A

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