Issue 72, 2013

IBX mediated reaction of β-enamino esters with allylic alcohols: a one pot metal free domino approach to functionalized pyridines


IBX facilitated the reaction of β-enamino esters with allylic alcohols affording a direct, one-pot and metal free synthesis of functionalized pyridines including 2-substituted nicotinic acids, densely substituted pyridines and precursors of azafluorenones. The methodology also afforded the racemic pyridine core of cyclothiazomycin.

Graphical abstract: IBX mediated reaction of β-enamino esters with allylic alcohols: a one pot metal free domino approach to functionalized pyridines

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Article information

Article type
06 Jun 2013
09 Jul 2013
First published
09 Jul 2013

Chem. Commun., 2013,49, 7926-7928

IBX mediated reaction of β-enamino esters with allylic alcohols: a one pot metal free domino approach to functionalized pyridines

N. R. Gade, V. Devendram, M. Pal and J. Iqbal, Chem. Commun., 2013, 49, 7926 DOI: 10.1039/C3CC44274H

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