Issue 70, 2012

Spirolactonized Si-rhodamine: a novel NIR fluorophore utilized as a platform to construct Si-rhodamine-based probes


Spirolactonized Si-rhodamine was prepared as a platform to construct Si-rhodamine-based probes by following the design strategy widely used in rhodamine systems. Among them, the reaction-based probe SiR-Hg was operated for NIR sensing and bioimaging of Hg2+ in living cells based on the similar irreversible spirolactam ring-opening process to traditional rhodamine derivatives.

Graphical abstract: Spirolactonized Si-rhodamine: a novel NIR fluorophore utilized as a platform to construct Si-rhodamine-based probes

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Article information

Article type
10 Jun 2012
12 Jul 2012
First published
12 Jul 2012

Chem. Commun., 2012,48, 8781-8783

Spirolactonized Si-rhodamine: a novel NIR fluorophore utilized as a platform to construct Si-rhodamine-based probes

T. Wang, Q. Zhao, H. Hu, S. Yu, X. Liu, L. Liu and Q. Wu, Chem. Commun., 2012, 48, 8781 DOI: 10.1039/C2CC34159J

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