Issue 16, 2005

Generation dependent mesophase behavior in extended amphiphilic dendrons in the shape of macromolecular dumbbells


Small angle X-ray scattering studies of 2nd and 3rd generation based extended amphiphilic dendrons in the shape of macromolecular dumbbells with identical hydrophilic volume fractions suggest 2-D hexagonal columnar and Pm[3 with combining macron]n micellar cubic mesophases, respectively, elucidating the role of shape induced interface curvature in mesophase formation.

Graphical abstract: Generation dependent mesophase behavior in extended amphiphilic dendrons in the shape of macromolecular dumbbells

Article information

Article type
14 Jan 2005
18 Feb 2005
First published
04 Mar 2005

Chem. Commun., 2005, 2143-2145

Generation dependent mesophase behavior in extended amphiphilic dendrons in the shape of macromolecular dumbbells

B. Cho, A. Jain, S. M. Gruner and U. Wiesner, Chem. Commun., 2005, 2143 DOI: 10.1039/B500610D

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