Issue 12, 1996

Crystal structure of an inclusion complex between dibenzo-24-crown-8 and tropylium tetrafluoroborate


The dibenzo-24-crown-8 encapsulates the non-disordered tropylium ion (C7H7+) with charge-transfer type π–π-interactions with average bond distances of 1.35 Å and C–C–C angles of 129° confirming a regular delocalised heptagon structure.

Article information

Article type

Chem. Commun., 1996, 1443-1444

Crystal structure of an inclusion complex between dibenzo-24-crown-8 and tropylium tetrafluoroborate

M. Lämsä, T. Suorsa, J. Pursiainen, J. Huuskonen and K. Rissanen, Chem. Commun., 1996, 1443 DOI: 10.1039/CC9960001443

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