Issue 10, 2013

Applications of nanostructured calcium phosphate in tissue engineering


Nanostructured calcium phosphate (CaP) is an important biomaterial for hard tissue repair with potential applications in some soft tissues as reported by recent studies. Herein, we shed light on recent research progress with respect to the biological effects of nanostructured CaP in some specific biological systems, including bone, cartilage, blood vessels, and nerve repair or regeneration. Specific cellular and molecular biological effects of nanostructured CaP and nanostructured CaP-based composites on numerous types of cells are summarized. Finally, the cytotoxicity and inflammatory response of nanostructured CaP are discussed.

Graphical abstract: Applications of nanostructured calcium phosphate in tissue engineering

Article information

Article type
Review Article
04 Mar 2013
16 Jul 2013
First published
09 Aug 2013

Biomater. Sci., 2013,1, 1012-1028

Applications of nanostructured calcium phosphate in tissue engineering

C. Zhou, Y. Hong and X. Zhang, Biomater. Sci., 2013, 1, 1012 DOI: 10.1039/C3BM60058K

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