Issue 12, 2017

Simulation and experimental analysis of a SAR micromixer with F-shape mixing units


In this work, a SAR micromixer with F-shape mixing units is analyzed by simulation and experimentation. The results prove that the mixing performance of SAR micromixers with F-shape mixing units has a huge advantage over that of T micromixers. A satisfactory mixing efficiency can be achieved by splitting-recombination and chaotic advection mechanisms. The results indicate that when the Reynolds number increases from 0.5 to 15, the mixing efficiency of the two micromixers decreases. And at Re = 15, the lowest mixing efficiency of the SAR micromixer is 54%. When the Reynolds number increases from 15 to 50, the mixing efficiency of the SAR micromixer reaches about 90%. When the Reynolds number exceeds 50, the mixing efficiency of both micromixers begins to decrease. And the mixing performance of the SAR micromixer with F-shape mixing units is superior to that of the T micromixer.

Graphical abstract: Simulation and experimental analysis of a SAR micromixer with F-shape mixing units

Article information

Article type
04 Jan 2017
26 Feb 2017
First published
27 Feb 2017

Anal. Methods, 2017,9, 1885-1890

Simulation and experimental analysis of a SAR micromixer with F-shape mixing units

X. Chen and J. Shen, Anal. Methods, 2017, 9, 1885 DOI: 10.1039/C7AY00022G

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