Issue 9, 2016

Seasonal monitoring of inland bathing waters using a sequential injection method as a fast and effective tool for nutrient quantification (N : P)


In this work, an expedite flow method for the combined determination of major nutrients, nitrogen base ions (nitrate, nitrite and ammonium) and phosphate, is described for seasonal monitoring of inland bathing waters. Individual determinations were adapted and comprised within the same manifold to attain a comprehensive assessment of the environmental status of natural waters. The multiparametric determination was performed to explore the features of a sequential injection analysis technique yielding a real-time assessment of various parameters and effective in-line sample handling. The sequential injection multiparametric method enabled the determination within the ranges: 15.0–150 μM nitrate; 0.15–5.00 μM nitrite; 1.00–60 μM ammonium; and 0.2–30 μM phosphate. The determination rates provided a full nutrient analysis within 7 minutes, an overwhelming improvement in relation to the individual determination of each parameter. The described method was successfully applied to seasonal monitoring of six inland bathing waters dealing in-line with sample variability.

Graphical abstract: Seasonal monitoring of inland bathing waters using a sequential injection method as a fast and effective tool for nutrient quantification (N : P)

Article information

Article type
30 Aug 2015
16 Dec 2015
First published
23 Dec 2015

Anal. Methods, 2016,8, 1973-1980

Author version available

Seasonal monitoring of inland bathing waters using a sequential injection method as a fast and effective tool for nutrient quantification (N : P)

R. B. R. Mesquita, A. Machado, I. C. Santos, A. A. Bordalo and A. O. S. S. Rangel, Anal. Methods, 2016, 8, 1973 DOI: 10.1039/C5AY02293B

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