Natively oxidized 2D NbSe2 enables ultralow-power electrical switching
In the context of the burgeoning information technology industry, the exponential growth in data storage and processing requirements has become increasingly evident. Threshold switching devices stand out as a pioneering solution with enhanced speed, superior integration, and lower power consumption, marking a significant stride in technological progress. However, the development of these devices is limited by their relatively large leakage current, poor cyclic uniformity, and low endurance. Herein, we introduce a novel threshold switching device with low energy consumption, fairly high uniformity and endurance performance based on native oxidized 2D NbSe2 material, of which the oxidation product is Nb2O5. This oxide exhibits high resistivity to further reduce leakage current. As a result, the two-terminal NbSe2/Nb2O5 device shows excellent threshold switching performance with fairly low leakage current (~10 fA) and low operate current (600 fA), which enables ultralow energy consumption (0.63 aJ) and high endurance (106) compared to other 2D materials. Our work offers a new approach to reduce leakage current of the threshold switching device, paving the way for its applications in data storage and brain-inspired computing.
- This article is part of the themed collection: Journal of Materials Chemistry C HOT Papers