Strategically designed anisotropic organic–inorganic metal halides (OIMHs) with superior balance between bandgap and birefringence†
Herein, we report two novel organic–inorganic metal halides (OIMHs) with outstanding ultraviolet birefringences, namely Cd(C6H4NO2)I·H2O (1) and Cd(C6H5NO2)2I2 (2). Both feature a 1D neutral chain, in which the 1D [Cd(C6H4NO2)I·H2O]∞ is built from Cd2I2N2O6 dimers and (C6H4NO2)− anions via the connection of Cd–N bonds, whereas each pair of antiparallel (C6H5NO2) groups hang at 1D [CdI2]∞, forming a 1D [Cd(C6H5NO2)2I2]∞ chain. Importantly, birefringence measurements indicate that 1 and 2 feature exceptional birefringent properties with values of 0.243@550 nm and 0.388@550 nm, respectively, which are not only greater than those of commercial materials (α-BaB2O4, 0.122@546 nm), but also 8.1 and 12.8 times that of inorganic CdI2. Additionally, the UV-Vis spectra show that 1 and 2 have short adsorption edges of 280 nm and 284 nm, relating to wide bandgaps of 4.23 eV and 3.94 eV, respectively. Therefore, they, especially 2, are strong candidates for potential ultraviolet birefringent materials. We innovatively propose a design strategy for the NA-Cd–I system, providing new insights into the exploration of novel high-performance birefringent crystals.