Issue 5, 2025

Lignosulfonate as a versatile regulator for the mediated synthesis of Ag@AgCl nanocubes


The remarkable catalytic activity, optical properties, and electrochemical behavior of nanomaterials based on noble metals (NM) are profoundly influenced by their physical characteristics, including particle size, morphology, and crystal structure. Effective regulation of these parameters necessitates a refined methodology. Lignin, a natural aromatic compound abundant in hydroxyl, carbonyl, carboxyl, and sulfonic acid groups, has emerged as an eco-friendly surfactant, reducing agent, and dispersant, offering the potential to precisely control the particle size and morphology of NM-based nanomaterials. In this study, lignosulfonate (LS) was utilized as a versatile regulator efficient in the capacities of reduction, capping, and dispersal for the synthesis of Ag@AgCl nanocubes. LS concentration and reaction time were identified as crucial factors impacting the ultimate particle size and morphology of Ag@AgCl nanocubes. The Ag@AgCl nanocubes, with a particle size of 30 ± 10 nm, were successfully synthesized under the optimized conditions of a 1.0 mM LS concentration and a 1-hour reaction period. As a reducing agent, LS facilitates the conversion of silver ions originating from AgCl to silver nanoparticles, following an etching-like mechanism that yields AgCl seeds with a uniform cubic particle size. The obtained Ag@AgCl nanocubes exhibit a stable morphology and excellent dispersion characteristics.

Graphical abstract: Lignosulfonate as a versatile regulator for the mediated synthesis of Ag@AgCl nanocubes

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Article information

Article type
09 Oct 2024
17 Dec 2024
First published
18 Dec 2024

Nanoscale, 2025,17, 2451-2461

Lignosulfonate as a versatile regulator for the mediated synthesis of Ag@AgCl nanocubes

L. Yin, J. Yang, L. Liu, B. Lu, X. Lyu, Z. Cheng, H. Liu and X. An, Nanoscale, 2025, 17, 2451 DOI: 10.1039/D4NR04161E

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