Comprehensive crystallization retardation of inorganic perovskite for high performance inverted solar cells


Inverted inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) are ideal top cells for tandem configurations due to their ideal bandgap and excellent thermal stability. However, water-induced rapid crystallization during inorganic perovskite film processing in ambient air is difficult to control. Here, we report a crystallization retardation method to prepare inorganic perovskite film by incorporating acrylonitrile-methyl acrylate copolymer (AMAC) in perovskite precursor solution. Firstly, the strong interaction between AMAC and the precursor solution yields increased colloidal size, delays dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) volatilization during annealing and postpones the phase transition. Secondly, the interaction between AMAC and dimethylamine (DMA+) slows down the ion exchange with Cs+. These interactions retard perovskite crystallization, increase pack-crystal grain size and reduce residual stress. Combined with the functional groups in AMAC, the incorporation of AMAC reduces defects in perovskite films, modulates interfacial energy levels, prolongs charge lifetimes, and inhibiting the migration of iodide ions. Ultimately, the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of the AMAC-incorporated inverted (p-i-n) and conventional (n-i-p) PSCs reach 21.7% and 21.8%, respectively, while the unencapsulated devices show only 8% degradation over 2500 h of maximum power point tracking and continuous operation.

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Article information

Article type
09 Jan 2025
13 Mar 2025
First published
21 Mar 2025

Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, Accepted Manuscript

Comprehensive crystallization retardation of inorganic perovskite for high performance inverted solar cells

Z. Wang, T. Xu, N. Li, Z. Chang, J. Shan, Y. Wang, M. Wu, F. Xiao, S. F. Liu and W. Xiang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2025, Accepted Manuscript , DOI: 10.1039/D5EE00149H

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