New insights into bioactive Ga(iii) hydroxyquinolinate complexes from UV-vis, fluorescence and multinuclear high-field NMR studies


There is current interest in the anticancer and antimicrobial activities of Ga(III) tris-hydroxyquinolinate complexes, and hence their solution and solid-state chemistry. Here, we have studied the formation, stability and structure of a novel tris-5,7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinolinate Ga(III) complex [Ga(Br2-HQ)3]. Reactions of 5,7-dibromo-8-hydroxyquinoline with Ga(NO)3 in DMSO were followed using electronic absorption and emission spectroscopy, and revealed the slow but concerted coordination of three chelated ligands, with ligand deprotonation being the apparent rate-limiting step, facilitated by basic Ga(III) hydroxido species. The emissive excited state of [Ga(Br2-HQ)3] in DMSO had a short half-life of 1.2 ns, and the fluorescence (550 nm, λex = 400 nm) was characterized by TDDFT calculations as arising from a ligand-centred singlet S1 state. We compared the structures of [Ga(Br2-HQ)3] and the clinical tris-hydroxyquinolinate complex [Ga(HQ)3] using high-field magic-angle-spinning solid-state 1D and 2D 850 MHz and 1 GHz 1H, 13C and 71Ga NMR spectroscopy. The similarity of their coordination spheres was confirmed by their 71Ga chemical shifts of 101 and 98 ppm, respectively, and quadrupolar coupling constants of 9.265 MHz and 9.282 MHz. 1H-1H 2D NOESY experiments revealed second coordination sphere interactions between an acetic acid solvent molecule and the bound hydroxyquinolinate ligands of [Ga(HQ)3]·0.5CH3CO2H. This finding suggests that carboxylic acids could play a role in modifying the formulation properties of this drug for clinical use.

Graphical abstract: New insights into bioactive Ga(iii) hydroxyquinolinate complexes from UV-vis, fluorescence and multinuclear high-field NMR studies

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13 Jan 2025
15 Feb 2025
First published
03 Mar 2025
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY license

Dalton Trans., 2025, Advance Article

New insights into bioactive Ga(III) hydroxyquinolinate complexes from UV-vis, fluorescence and multinuclear high-field NMR studies

V. V. Gaensicke, S. Bachmann, L. Craciunescu, A. W. Prentice, M. J. Paterson, D. Iuga, P. J. Sadler and R. C. Marchi, Dalton Trans., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D5DT00087D

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