Biomimetic tubular materials: from native tissues to a unifying view of new vascular, tracheal, gastrointestinal, oesophageal, and urinary grafts


Repairing tubular tissues—the trachea, the esophagus, urinary and gastrointestinal tracts, and the circulatory system—from trauma or severe pathologies that require resection, calls for new, more effective graft materials. Currently, the relatively narrow family of materials available for these applications relies on synthetic polymers that fail to reproduce the biological and physical cues found in native tissues. Mimicking the structure and the composition of native tubular tissues to elaborate functional grafts is expected to outperform the materials currently in use, but remains one of the most challenging goals in the field of biomaterials. Despite their apparent diversity, tubular tissues share extensive compositional and structural features. Here, we assess the current state of the art through a dual layer model, reducing each tissue to an inner epithelial layer and an outer muscular layer. Based on this model, we examine the current strategies developed to mimic each layer and we underline how each fabrication method stands in providing a biomimetic material for future clinical translation. The analysis provided here, addressed to materials chemists, biomaterials engineers and clinical staff alike, sets new guidelines to foster the elaboration of new biomimetic materials for effective tubular tissue repair.

Graphical abstract: Biomimetic tubular materials: from native tissues to a unifying view of new vascular, tracheal, gastrointestinal, oesophageal, and urinary grafts

Article information

Article type
Review Article
03 May 2024
First published
28 Nov 2024

Chem. Soc. Rev., 2025, Advance Article

Biomimetic tubular materials: from native tissues to a unifying view of new vascular, tracheal, gastrointestinal, oesophageal, and urinary grafts

I. Martinier, L. Trichet and F. M. Fernandes, Chem. Soc. Rev., 2025, Advance Article , DOI: 10.1039/D4CS00429A

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