Issue 47, 2024

Hyperconjugation-controlled molecular conformation weakens lithium-ion solvation and stabilizes lithium metal anodes


Tuning the solvation structure of lithium ions via electrolyte engineering has proven effective for lithium metal (Li) anodes. Further advancement that bypasses the trial-and-error practice relies on the establishment of molecular design principles. Expanding the scope of our previous work on solvent fluorination, we report here an alternative design principle for non-fluorinated solvents, which potentially have reduced cost, environmental impact, and toxicity. By studying non-fluorinated ethers systematically, we found that the short-chain acetals favor the [gauche, gauche] molecular conformation due to hyperconjugation, which leads to weakened monodentate coordination with Li+. The dimethoxymethane electrolyte showed fast activation to >99% coulombic efficiency (CE) and high ionic conductivity of 8.03 mS cm−1. The electrolyte performance was demonstrated in anode-free Cu‖LFP pouch cells at current densities up to 4 mA cm−2 (70 to 100 cycles) and thin-Li‖high-loading-LFP coin cells (200–300 cycles). Overall, we demonstrated and rationalized the improvement in Li metal cyclability by the acetal structure compared to ethylene glycol ethers. We expect further improvement in performance by tuning the acetal structure.

Graphical abstract: Hyperconjugation-controlled molecular conformation weakens lithium-ion solvation and stabilizes lithium metal anodes

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Article type
Edge Article
08 Aug 2024
01 Nov 2024
First published
14 Nov 2024
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2024,15, 19805-19819

Hyperconjugation-controlled molecular conformation weakens lithium-ion solvation and stabilizes lithium metal anodes

Y. Chen, S. Liao, H. Gong, Z. Zhang, Z. Huang, S. C. Kim, E. Zhang, H. Lyu, W. Yu, Y. Lin, P. Sayavong, Y. Cui, J. Qin and Z. Bao, Chem. Sci., 2024, 15, 19805 DOI: 10.1039/D4SC05319B

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