Issue 10, 2024

Subtle adjustments for constructing multi-nuclear luminescent lanthanide organic polyhedra with triazole-based chelates


Controlled self-assembly of predetermined multi-nuclear lanthanide organic polyhedra (LOPs) still presents a challenge, primarily due to the unpredictable coordination numbers and labile coordination geometries of lanthanide ions. In this study, through introducing triazole-based chelates to increase the chelating angle of C2-symmetric linear ligands and stabilize the coordination geometry of Eu(III) centers, M4L6-type (M = EuIII, L = ligand) tetrahedra were efficiently synthesized, especially a biphenyl-bridged ligand which is well known to form M2L3-type helicates. A series of LOPs were formed and characterized by high-resolution electrospray ionization time-of-flight mass spectroscopy (ESI-TOF-MS) and X-ray crystallography. Moreover, the europium complexes exhibit bright emission (luminescence quantum yield up to 42.4%) and circularly polarized luminescence properties (|glum| up to 4.5 × 10−2). This study provides a feasible strategy for constructing multi-nuclear luminescent LOPs towards potential applications.

Graphical abstract: Subtle adjustments for constructing multi-nuclear luminescent lanthanide organic polyhedra with triazole-based chelates

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Article type
13 Nov 2023
29 Jan 2024
First published
06 Feb 2024
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Dalton Trans., 2024,53, 4772-4780

Subtle adjustments for constructing multi-nuclear luminescent lanthanide organic polyhedra with triazole-based chelates

X. Guo, L. Zhou, S. Hu and Q. Sun, Dalton Trans., 2024, 53, 4772 DOI: 10.1039/D3DT03791F

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