Issue 10, 2023

Tailoring the high-brightness “warm” white light emission of two-dimensional perovskite crystals via a pressure-inhibited nonradiative transition


Efficient warm white light emission is an ideal characteristic of single-component materials for light-emitting applications. Although two-dimensional hybrid perovskites are promising candidates for light-emitting diodes, as they possess broadband self-trapped emission and outstanding stability, they rarely achieve a high photoluminescence quantum yield of warm white light emissions. Here, an unusual pressure-induced warm white emission enhancement phenomenon from 2.1 GPa to 9.9 GPa was observed in two-dimensional perovskite (2meptH2)PbCl4, accompanied by a large increase in the relative quantum yield of photoluminescence. The octahedral distortions, accompanied with the evolution of organic cations, triggered the structural collapse, which caused the sudden emission enhancement at 2.1 GPa. Afterwards, the further intra-octahedral collapse promotes the formation of self-trapped excitons and the substantial suppression of nonradiative transitions are responsible for the continuous pressure-induced photoluminescence enhancement. This study not only clearly illustrates the relationship between crystal structure and photoluminescence, but also provides an experimental basis for the synthesis of high-quality warm white light-emitting 2D metal halide perovskite materials.

Graphical abstract: Tailoring the high-brightness “warm” white light emission of two-dimensional perovskite crystals via a pressure-inhibited nonradiative transition

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Article type
Edge Article
21 Dec 2022
05 Feb 2023
First published
07 Feb 2023
This article is Open Access

All publication charges for this article have been paid for by the Royal Society of Chemistry
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Chem. Sci., 2023,14, 2652-2658

Tailoring the high-brightness “warm” white light emission of two-dimensional perovskite crystals via a pressure-inhibited nonradiative transition

Y. Fang, J. Wang, L. Zhang, G. Niu, L. Sui, G. Wu, K. Yuan, K. Wang and B. Zou, Chem. Sci., 2023, 14, 2652 DOI: 10.1039/D2SC06982B

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