Issue 3, 2023

Highly efficient GeSe micro-air-brick-based thin film standalone solar water-splitting photoelectrode with solar-light-soaking accumulation process


A GeSe film with a novel micro air brick (MAB) structure presented quite interesting fast and efficient solar thermal generation properties. In this work, for the first time, we found that the solar thermal response feature of GeSe MABs significantly enhanced the solar water-splitting reaction itself. Combining a Bi2Te3 thermal electronic electrode with a GeSe MAB-based photoelectrode greatly increased the utilization efficiency of the waste energy of the infrared spectrum and the above-bandgap part. The synergistic coupling effect of solar thermal and photoelectrochemical water-splitting is very interesting for promoting the efficiency of not only GeSe MAB-based photoelectrodes, but also photoelectrodes for solar hydrogen evolution. It was found that the solar thermal energy captured by the GeSe MABs could be transformed into electrical power by the Bi2Te3 electrode, which can also be recycled/added to the GeSe MAB-based photoelectrode to assist the solar water-splitting reactions or power other power-consuming equipment. The solar thermal energy could be transformed into an additional electrical bias of approximately 1.52 V on the GeSe MAB-based photoelectrode itself, which significantly improves the solar-to-hydrogen (STH) efficiency of the GeSe photoelectrode. The Bi2Te3 thermal electric electrode in tandem with the GeSe MAB-based photoelectrode (Bi2Te3–GeSe MAB-integrated photoelectrode) could directly split water without any additional bias under only solar light irradiation. The Bi2Te3–GeSe MAB integrated photoelectrode presented a remarkable and record STH efficiency of over 13.5% after a brief solar-light-soaking accumulation process.

Graphical abstract: Highly efficient GeSe micro-air-brick-based thin film standalone solar water-splitting photoelectrode with solar-light-soaking accumulation process

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
11 Nov 2022
25 Jan 2023
First published
25 Jan 2023

Energy Environ. Sci., 2023,16, 1155-1165

Highly efficient GeSe micro-air-brick-based thin film standalone solar water-splitting photoelectrode with solar-light-soaking accumulation process

K. Wang, H. Ni, W. Zhao, X. Wu, Y. Hu, G. Xiao and F. Jiang, Energy Environ. Sci., 2023, 16, 1155 DOI: 10.1039/D2EE03655J

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