Issue 47, 2023

Phase diagrams and superconductivity of ternary Ca–Al–H compounds under high pressure


The search for high-temperature superconductors in hydrides under high pressure has always been a research hotspot. Hydrogen-based superconductors offer an avenue to achieve the long-sought goal of superconductivity at room temperature. Here we systematically explored the high-pressure phase diagram, electronic properties, lattice dynamics and superconductivity of the ternary Ca–Al–H system using ab initio methods. At 80 GPa, CaAlH5 transforms from Cmcm to P21/m phase. Both of Cmcm-CaAlH5 and Pnnm-CaAl2H8 are semiconductors. At 200 GPa, P4/mmm-CaAlH7 and a metastable compound Immm-Ca2AlH12 were found. Furthermore, P4/mmm-CaAlH7 shows obvious softening of the high frequency vibration modes, which improves the strength of electron–phonon coupling. Therefore, a superconducting transition temperature Tc of 71 K is generated in P4/mmm-CaAlH7 at 50 GPa. In addition, the thermodynamic metastable Immm-Ca2AlH12 exhibits a superconducting transition temperature of 118 K at 250 GPa. These results are very useful for the experimental searching of new high-Tc superconductors in ternary hydrides. Our work may provide an opportunity to search for high Tc superconductors at lower pressure.

Graphical abstract: Phase diagrams and superconductivity of ternary Ca–Al–H compounds under high pressure

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
17 Aug 2023
15 Nov 2023
First published
15 Nov 2023

Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023,25, 32534-32540

Phase diagrams and superconductivity of ternary Ca–Al–H compounds under high pressure

M. Xu, D. Duan, M. Du, W. Zhao, D. An, H. Song and T. Cui, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2023, 25, 32534 DOI: 10.1039/D3CP03952H

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