Issue 42, 2022

Flow-driven synthesis of calcium phosphate–calcium alginate hybrid chemical gardens


Systems far-from-equilibrium self-assemble into spatiotemporal structures. Here, we report on the formation of calcium alginate gardens along with their inorganic hybrids when a sodium alginate solution containing sodium phosphate in various compositions is injected into a calcium chloride reservoir. The viscoelastic properties of the membranes developed are controlled by the injection rate, while their thickness by the amount of sodium phosphate besides diffusion. Inorganic hybrid membranes with constant thickness are synthesized in the presence of a sufficient amount of sodium phosphate. The electrochemical characterization of the membranes suggests that the driving force is the pH-gradient developing along the two sides; hence, the cell potential can be controlled by the addition of alkaline sodium phosphate into the sodium alginate solution.

Graphical abstract: Flow-driven synthesis of calcium phosphate–calcium alginate hybrid chemical gardens

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Article information

Article type
05 Aug 2022
03 Oct 2022
First published
05 Oct 2022
This article is Open Access
Creative Commons BY-NC license

Soft Matter, 2022,18, 8157-8164

Flow-driven synthesis of calcium phosphate–calcium alginate hybrid chemical gardens

R. Zahorán, P. Kumar, Á. Juhász, D. Horváth and Á. Tóth, Soft Matter, 2022, 18, 8157 DOI: 10.1039/D2SM01063A

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