Issue 9, 2022

A compact, practical photoreactor for multi-reaction arrays


The Bristol Myers Squibb Photoreactor (BMS-PR) is a convenient, small-footprint platform that enables routine use of photochemical transformations in a variety of laboratory settings. These photoreactors have been engineered to safely irradiate multiple reaction vessels for array synthesis at various wavelengths and temperatures with a more practical setup than most other commercial photoreactors. The BMS-PR integrates seamlessly with standard laboratory equipment and incorporates a variety of attractive safety features. Herein we describe the BMS-PR460 device for irradiation of reactions at 460 nm using blue light-emitting diodes (LEDs) and highlight its application with photochemical reactions that may be useful in the discovery of novel drug molecules.

Graphical abstract: A compact, practical photoreactor for multi-reaction arrays

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Article information

Article type
17 Feb 2022
03 May 2022
First published
06 May 2022

React. Chem. Eng., 2022,7, 1945-1953

A compact, practical photoreactor for multi-reaction arrays

G. D. Brown, D. Batalla, C. L. Cavallaro, H. L. Perez, S. T. Wrobleski and T. C. Sherwood, React. Chem. Eng., 2022, 7, 1945 DOI: 10.1039/D2RE00062H

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