Issue 27, 2022

5d → 4f transition of a lanthanide-activated MGa2S4 (M = Ca, Sr) semiconductor for mechanical-to-light energy conversion mediated by structural distortion


Materials exhibiting mechanoluminescence (ML) are a class of smart materials capable of mechanical-to-light energy conversion. Thus, ML materials have been widely used in various electronic applications such as smart sensors, security systems, human–machine interfaces, and energy harvesting systems. Herein, we report a centrosymmetric ML semiconductor host material family MGa2S4 (M = Ca, Sr), which features in-layered structures constructed with unique distorted bi-tetrahedral [Ga2S2S4/2] lattice units. It exhibited similar structural characteristics to the well-known ML semiconductor host ZnS. Remarkably, the lanthanide ions of 5d → 4f transition-activated hosts showed sensitive and high ML luminance under natural lighting upon mechanical stimulation; thus, an efficient mechanical-to-light energy conversion of a self-powered display was achieved. Moreover, because of structural distortion and strain-gradient-induced electrical polarization in the ML host material upon mechanical stimulation, a ML mechanism based on the synergy effect between local electronic polarization and flexoelectricity was proposed. This study facilitates a deeper understanding of the relationship between the structure and underlying ML, and promotes further development of ML-material-based products and technologies.

Graphical abstract: 5d → 4f transition of a lanthanide-activated MGa2S4 (M = Ca, Sr) semiconductor for mechanical-to-light energy conversion mediated by structural distortion

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Article information

Article type
22 Mar 2022
13 Jun 2022
First published
15 Jun 2022

Dalton Trans., 2022,51, 10457-10465

5d → 4f transition of a lanthanide-activated MGa2S4 (M = Ca, Sr) semiconductor for mechanical-to-light energy conversion mediated by structural distortion

X. Zhang, D. Yang, S. Wu, X. Xu, R. Ma, D. Peng, Z. Wang and S. Wang, Dalton Trans., 2022, 51, 10457 DOI: 10.1039/D2DT00883A

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