Issue 1, 2023

Gigantic supramolecular assemblies built from dynamic hierarchical organization between inorganic nanospheres and porphyrins


Noncovalent ionic interactions between nanosized Keplerate-type capsules {Mo132} and tetra-cationic porphyrins have been investigated in aqueous solution using small-angle X-ray scattering, 1H NMR and photophysical methods. These complementary multiscale methods reveal the formation of large hybrid oligomers built from a short-range organization in which the cationic porphyrin is glued onto the large POM surface. The local structuring appears to be strongly dependent on the dye : {Mo132} ratio changing the morphology of the oligomers from linear to dense aggregates.

Graphical abstract: Gigantic supramolecular assemblies built from dynamic hierarchical organization between inorganic nanospheres and porphyrins

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
21 Sep 2022
24 Nov 2022
First published
28 Nov 2022

Chem. Commun., 2023,59, 86-89

Gigantic supramolecular assemblies built from dynamic hierarchical organization between inorganic nanospheres and porphyrins

K. Grzhegorzhevskii, M. Haouas, M. Lion, A. Vashurin, A. Denikaev, Y. Marfin, G. Kim, C. Falaise and E. Cadot, Chem. Commun., 2023, 59, 86 DOI: 10.1039/D2CC05193A

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