Issue 18, 2021

Spin-coated freestanding films for biomedical applications


Spin-coating is a widely employed technique for the fabrication of thin-film coatings over large areas with smooth and homogeneous surfaces. In recent years, research has extended the scope of spin-coating by developing methods involving the interface of the substrate and the deposited solution to obtain self-supported films, also called freestanding films. Thereby, such structures have been developed for a wide range of areas. Biomedical applications of spin-coated freestanding films include wound dressings, drug delivery, and biosensing. This review will discuss the fundamental physical and chemical processes governing the conventional spin-coating as well as the techniques to obtain freestanding films. Furthermore, developments within this field with a primary focus on tissue engineering applications will be reviewed.

Graphical abstract: Spin-coated freestanding films for biomedical applications

Article information

Article type
Review Article
03 Feb 2021
09 Apr 2021
First published
14 Apr 2021

J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021,9, 3778-3799

Spin-coated freestanding films for biomedical applications

J. Moreira, A. C. Vale and N. M. Alves, J. Mater. Chem. B, 2021, 9, 3778 DOI: 10.1039/D1TB00233C

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