Issue 34, 2021

Biocompatible perovskite quantum dots with superior water resistance enable long-term monitoring of the H2S level in vivo


The application of perovskite quantum dots (PQDs) in biomedical fields such as bioimaging and biosensing has been limited owing to their instability in the physiological environment. Herein, PQDs are innovatively encapsulated into nano-micelles composed of a polyethylene glycol-polycaprolactone (PEG-PCL) block copolymer, which allows the preparation of biocompatible PQDs (bio-PQDs) with excellent water resistance. Due to the benefits of extraordinary water resistance and biocompatibility, these bio-PQDs are capable of real-time and long-term quantitatively monitoring the H2S level in living cells as well as in zebrafish.

Graphical abstract: Biocompatible perovskite quantum dots with superior water resistance enable long-term monitoring of the H2S level in vivo

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Article information

Article type
11 Apr 2021
26 Jul 2021
First published
27 Jul 2021

Nanoscale, 2021,13, 14297-14303

Biocompatible perovskite quantum dots with superior water resistance enable long-term monitoring of the H2S level in vivo

F. Luo, S. Li, L. Cui, Y. Zu, Y. Chen, D. Huang, Z. Weng and Z. Lin, Nanoscale, 2021, 13, 14297 DOI: 10.1039/D1NR02248B

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