Issue 68, 2021

Sequential [3+2] annulation reaction of prop-2-ynylsulfonium salts and hydrazonyl chlorides: synthesis of pyrazoles containing functional motifs


A novel sequential [3+2] annulation reaction has been developed using prop-2-ynylsulfonium salts and hydrazonyl chlorides, affording a series of pyrazoles with functional motifs that can be post modified in the preparation of various drugs or drug candidates. Further transformation and gram-scale operations could also be achieved efficiently.

Graphical abstract: Sequential [3+2] annulation reaction of prop-2-ynylsulfonium salts and hydrazonyl chlorides: synthesis of pyrazoles containing functional motifs

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
25 May 2021
26 Jul 2021
First published
26 Jul 2021

Chem. Commun., 2021,57, 8460-8463

Sequential [3+2] annulation reaction of prop-2-ynylsulfonium salts and hydrazonyl chlorides: synthesis of pyrazoles containing functional motifs

T. Shi, Z. Wu, T. Jia, C. Zhang, L. Zeng, R. Zhuang, J. Zhang, S. Liu, J. Shao and H. Zhu, Chem. Commun., 2021, 57, 8460 DOI: 10.1039/D1CC02735B

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