Issue 33, 2020

A versatile strategy for controlled assembly of plasmonic metal/semiconductor hemispherical nano-heterostructure arrays


Recent advances in manipulating plasmonic properties of metal/semiconductor heterostructures have opened up new avenues for basic research and applications. Herein, we present a versatile strategy for the assembly of arrays of plasmonic metal/semiconductor hemispherical nano-heterostructures (MSHNs) with control over spacing and size of the metal/semiconductor heterostructure array, which can facilitate a wide range of scientific studies and applications. The strategy combines nanosphere lithography for generating the metal core array with solution-based chemical methods for the semiconductor shell that are widely available and kinetically controllable. Periodic arrays of Au/Cu2O and Ag/Cu2O heterostructures are synthesized to demonstrate the approach and highlight the versatility and importance of the tunability of plasmonic properties. The morphology, structure, optical properties, and elemental compositions of the heterostructures were analyzed. This strategy can be important for understanding and manipulating fundamental nanoscale solid-state physical and chemical properties, as well as assembling heterostructures with desirable structure and functionality for applications.

Graphical abstract: A versatile strategy for controlled assembly of plasmonic metal/semiconductor hemispherical nano-heterostructure arrays

Supplementary files

Article information

Article type
06 May 2020
08 Aug 2020
First published
11 Aug 2020

Nanoscale, 2020,12, 17530-17537

Author version available

A versatile strategy for controlled assembly of plasmonic metal/semiconductor hemispherical nano-heterostructure arrays

M. Jia, Y. Zhang, Z. Li, E. Crouch, S. Doble, J. Avenoso, H. Yan, C. Ni and L. Gundlach, Nanoscale, 2020, 12, 17530 DOI: 10.1039/D0NR03551C

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